Enrollment Engine

A Facebook & Instagram Advertising Strategy to Fill Your School with Students Who Fit Your Mission

Designed for Private Schools

Finding families who match your mission and also value the private school experience can be challenging. We're here to help you enroll qualified students who will thrive in the learning environment your faculty creates. 


We work with you to amplify your school's mission to your broader community and help you reach the families who are looking for a school just like yours.

We implement a scalable system that helps us reach the right families in your community:


Show your videos, articles, social media posts & other marketing content to families in your attendance area who care about education. 


Invite people to tour your school to get to know your teachers and community. 


Stay top of mind with ads to people who have shown interest in your school.


Grow your school with students & families who are aligned with your mission. 



Facebook & Instagram Ad Strategy

We will utilize the EXCITE, INVITE, REMIND approach to create buzz about your school and drive traffic to your school website.


Lead Generation Funnel Build

  • We will create a lead generation system with our website building software and integrate it with your email system. (Software subscription fee not included.) 


Lead Magnet/Guide: Copywriting and Design 

  • We will create a guide for prospective families designed to offer them value. It will potentially highlight 3 pain points of ideal families and share how your school solves those problems.

Nurturing Email Sequence: 5 emails

  • Copy & set up for 5 Emails to send to people after they join your email list sharing different elements that make your school unique and periodically inviting them to schedule a tour or come to an open house.



Facebook & Instagram Ad Strategy

We will utilize the EXCITE, INVITE, REMIND approach to create buzz about your school and drive traffic to your school website.


Lead Generation Funnel Build

  • We will create a lead generation system with our website building software and integrate it with your email system. (Software subscription fee not included.) 


Lead Magnet/Guide: Copywriting and Design 

  • We will create a guide for prospective families designed to offer them value. It will potentially highlight 3 pain points of ideal families and share how your school solves those problems.


Facebook & Instagram Ad Strategy

We will utilize the EXCITE, INVITE, REMIND approach to create buzz about your school and drive traffic to your school website.



Who is this for?

  • Schools who want to grow their current enrollment.
  • Schools that want to advertise openings in their expansion grades.
  • Brand new schools who want to get the word out.

Who is NOT for?

  • Schools who have waitlists at all grade levels.

"Karen is innately great at running ads."

Victoria P.

"You have a knack for explaining things and breaking them down in a simple way that is easy to understand. I have already launched multiple campaigns and I have data and results I actually understand! Thank you so much for this, truly."

Kelly T.

"Before working with Karen, I was afraid of trying ads again and wasting money. Anything technical and analytical like this is NOT my zone of genius, so I simply avoided ads entirely. Karen is so detailed and she genuinely cares. I would absolutely recommend her in a heartbeat! She’s innately great at running campaigns."

Lori S.

"You're organized and know my business, which is so helpful. I know that I can come to you with any ads questions and you'll answer them thoroughly and thoughtfully! I love that you  make sure all our ducks are in a row."

As Seen On

Book a  call to find out if the Enrollment Engine is the right fit for your school.

Need quicker help? Consider Facebook Ads Coaching  or Facebook Ads SOS Rescue Calls instead.

About Karen Nelson Digital

Karen is the founder and owner of Karen Nelson Digital, a Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram advertising agency that has managed millions of dollars in ad spend for their clients.

She got her start as an elementary school teacher but left after 15 years in the classroom to pursue a career in digital marketing. Karen spent her career working in private schools, including time in the admissions office. Her kids both attend private school.  

These days, Karen is in the trenches managing complex ad campaigns and has been for the last 5 years. But she also remembers exactly what it felt like to be a beginner and not understand anything about ads. Karen is passionate about serving her clients and loves working with businesses that serve educators.

Need quicker help? Consider Facebook Ads Coaching  or Facebook Ads SOS Rescue Calls instead.

Copyright 2021 Karen Nelson Digital

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