I spent the weekend in Las Vegas. And I finally proved that the example I always share about Las Vegas and Facebook ads is accurate. Most of the time anyway. A lot of times when people come to me to ask for help with their Facebook ads, they don’t realize how gigantic the platform actually […]
How Facebook Ads Are Like Ferry Boats
I watched a fantastic movie while I was recovering from COVID this week called Sing Street. There’s one scene in Sing Street where a speedboat is careening toward a ferry boat. Unless someone changes course, there will be a collision. The speedboat makes a quick turn and stops, but the ferry boat just keeps sailing. […]
Should I edit active Facebook ads?
Should I edit the creative in active Facebook ads? This is such a tough question to answer! It’s such a situational answer that even the other day I had to reach out to a colleague and ask, “Do you think we should add this new video from the client to the campaign or just leave […]
What to do when your ads aren’t working.
Last week my client had higher lead costs than we wanted. She was making sales, but we knew she could make more sales with more leads. It can be tough to figure out what to fix when you have a problem with your ads not working. So we did what a good ads manager always […]
Secrets of Seven Figure Facebook Ad Launches
We had two clients wrap seven-figure launches this week. And while we’d love to take credit for their phenomenal results, we know there were 5 key things our clients did that ensured their Facebook Ad success. 1. They planned ahead. Both of these launches were scheduled a full year ahead of time. Both clients also […]