Twice this week, we added reels to an underperforming Instagram ad campaign and our results skyrocketed. We saw an almost 400% improvement in performance. Client one: Our starting lead costs were $4.11. Client sent over a few reels and our lead costs dropped to $1.17 within 24 hours. Client two: We’d been promoting the offer […]
The Best Facebook Ad Campaign
A lot of people ask me what the best Facebook ad campaign type is. The truth is, there’s a difference between the BEST campaign for beginners and the easiest campaign for beginners. I think the BEST campaign for people who want to get serious about running ads is a list-building campaign. (Also called a “lead […]
How to Make Paragraphs on Instagram
How to Make Paragraphs on Instagram Posts I get asked this question all the time: “How do I get the text on my Instagram post to look right? It’s all running together!” It’s even a question that comes up in my high-level Facebook Ads manager groups. When it comes to creating spacing on your Instagram […]